Selasa, 30 Januari 2018

The Important Of Insurance

Paying insurance premiums adds to the financial burden. Yes, many people think so. But, the question is, is it so? Had we been blessed with the ability to see what would happen in life in the future, the opinions above are one hundred percent true. Because, we can avoid something bad that can befall. Especially the two most valuable things: our lives and our health. Unfortunately, no one can predict the disaster. And the more annoying, the disaster will certainly affect our financial plan, can even devastate it! That is a strong reason for us to have insurance. In essence, the losses caused by unfortunate need not be borne alone. Your Insurance Protected Risk Undeniably, Indonesia still can not be said to be free from security threats. Especially in big cities, crime rates are still high. But, even though Indonesia is called the safest country in the world, disaster can still come without roughly and indiscriminately. the importance of insurance We do not know what disaster will befall us. Nothing wrong to keep watch (criminality / Seconds) Here are some expensive risks that threaten us all: 1. Road accidents 2. Experiencing acute health problems 3. Can not work because of permanent disability 4. Loss of property (due to theft, fire, etc.) 5. Loss of income due to the efficiency of the company 6. Accidents at work or at home 7. Be a victim of business scams or credit cards 8. And so on Unimaginable how many risks that can shake our financial condition. The risk threatens who we are, whether the businessman, the worker, the RT chairman, even the president. The insurance company will assess the threatening risks and reimbursement guarantees of your work. People who work offshore are certainly more at risk than office workers. The higher the risk, the greater the guarantee of reimbursement in case of disaster. Protection against Risk vs. Insurance Premium The greater the risk insured, the greater the insurance premium to be paid. So, do not think that you can be an insurance participant anywhere, which is the cheapest premium. If you are the backbone of the family, of course the risk of your life is greater. That's why we can not just "just take insurance" by paying the cheapest premium. More important is the accuracy of the insurance program with our needs. Suppose you are 30 years old, have a family, and pay an insurance premium of Rp 500,000 per month. If at any time you have an accident that resulted in permanent disability, you may expect to add a nominal premium because currently only get a replacement Rp 200.000.000 due to the accident. By paying a premium, for example, Rp 1,000,000 per month, you can get up to four times the reimbursement. Imagine the benefits for you and your family. the importance of insurance Calculate how much coverage you can pay through premium payments. (risk illustration / Verotech Solution) Examples of cases of the above accidents are not engineering, but real happening in the lives around us. Because of stingy premium pay, then led to the failure of the plan to buy a home or difficulty educating children. Not just health and life. The risk of losing property is also the case. So stingy premium pay, lost car no one joined to replace because there is no insurance. As a result, you have to buy a car again. It will be different if we already follow the insurance program. Stingy premiums come from the mindset who feel that insurance is just more spending that can be 'saved'. In fact, not infrequently also people assume, "pay insurance is the same as inviting disaster itself." Is Your Insurance Sufficient? With the above case examples, do not be stingy anymore. Or maybe it is enough to be registered as a participant of the Health Insurance Provider (BPJS) Program or employment? The company you work with may already have an employee insurance program. These insurance programs may have provided some protection, but are limited in providing financial security for you and your family. Moreover, Indonesia's monetary condition is still strongly influenced by other countries, so the prices of basic commodities are often uncertain. It's time to reconsider insurance. Try to make a simulation like the example case above. How much risk do you have and how much you can afford to risk it alone? It is time you take off the common sense that insurance means paying for something that is not needed. It's a big mistake if you think that insurance only adds to your spending. the importance of insurance Insurance does not make pockets. It's the same thing

just with the nube but the allocation is different (not any money / Shutterstock) Because, once again, we all run the risk that we can not predict when it comes. Insurance helps minimize that risk, so your financial future and family is more secure. What is needed then is to set up expenditure items so as not to be broken. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Instead of getting into financial trouble after being struck down by having no insurance, we better prevent that problem.
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